When to Switch Out Your Moisturizer
Before We Go On
Moisturizer, an essential of any skincare routine. When you find the right one it can do wonders for your skin like providing a boost in hydration while protecting your skin from free radicals. Moisturizers have tons of bells and whistles as well, they can brighten, repair, tone, fight acne, provide anti-aging and the list goes on! With that being said, the choices seem endless, whether you're at the department store or just browsing online. There are some tips and tricks to choosing the right moisturizer. What if you already bought one that your friend loves, your mom loves, and the whole skincare community loves but your skin doesn’t seem to. Aside from the inevitable feeling of disappointment then dread - because you realize you have to look again. Before you look for a new moisturizer, it’s time to evaluate why the current one you have isn’t working! The good news is the disappointing moisturizer, is probably telling you what kind of moisturizer you actually need. How you might be asking? Today we’ll go through the symptoms of what a *sad face* failed moisturizer might do to your skin in order to figure out what you need to look for next. Here we go.
Are You Breaking Out?
Dry Skin
Stinging or Tingly Feeling
Makeup is Difficult to Apply
Doesn’t Absorb Quickly
Next Up: Whiteheads vs. Blackheads
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