5 Tips and Tricks for Treating Hyper pigmentation

Before We Go On


Ah yes, hyperpigmentation - the remnants of the time spent with a difficult pimple. Not exactly anyone’s favorite thing to see, especially after a long battle with a red and painful bump on your face. It’s as if your acne is claiming that bit of real estate on your skin even after it’s gone. And it’s not exactly appreciated, at least, we are not exactly fans of hyperpigmentation. But, for many of us, it’s a ‘can’t live with you, can’t live without you” situation - it’s naturally apart of the end of the acne life cycle or the result from picking at your acne. Luckily, over time there are ways to treat acne scars! It helps to start off with never picking at your acne. It is harder said than done but it’s absolutely worth it. Today, we won’t be talking about any skincare products, but rather some tips, tricks, and DIYs for treating acne scars. Let’s get into it.

Don’t, PLEASE don’t, pick your acne 

We’re no saints to this rule, but that’s exactly why we advise against it. When you try to attempt to pick or pop your acne it pushes the debris deeper into the skin. Often causing more damage. It can spread infections and worsen hyperpigmentation or worst - create scarring. 

Take SPF seriously

If it’s getting boring to see SPF on every list then it definitely says a thing or two about how important applying SPF is. In this case, sun exposure is not your best friend (even though we all love a good tan). That’s what this is about, the sun increases melanin production which actually darker all your hyperpigmentations which further creates skin tone unevenness.

Get these antioxidants - specifically green tea

Green tea is one of those fan-favorite ingredients that we will never get enough of. And Green tea extract is an even better, stronger, and more effective variant of it. Green tea’s antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and skin-whitening effects make it ideal for treating stubborn hyperpigmentation.

Two words: Aloe. Vera.

Although not scientifically proven, but word on the street is Aloe Vera has the ability to slow or inhibit the production of melanin. If used consistently it can lighten your hyperpigmentation. All you need is a good Aloe plant for the most effective treatment. Plus, it’ll make your home look great! 

And now three words: Apple. Cider. Vinegar 

A kitchen cabinet solution, apple cider vinegar is the coconut oil of vinegar. You can use it to soften your hair, or put it in your salad dressing - it’s one of those versatile ingredients that can last you quite a while. And in this case, you can use it as a spot treatment for hyperpigmentation. All you need to do is to dab a bit on the area of choice and after a few minutes give your skin gently rinse. Doing this 2 - 3 times a week should be effective enough to treat your hyperpigmentation! 

Next Up: Amino Acids? What is it?

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