Our Favorite Summer Night Routine to Get You to Bed

Although morning routines can indeed give you a great start to the day, it’s equally as important to end the day on a positive note. To be frank, it’s easy to plop onto the bed without changing into your PJs and even without removing your makeup.

You might be thinking, “Why do I even need a night routine?” But the reality is, having a routine before bedtime can not only promote quality sleep but also can help transition into a smooth, fuss-free day when you wake up in the morning.

Hop on in for a better tomorrow!

After dinner (and hopefully, you’ve had a healthy one) and changing into your PJs, you must wash your face at the very least. Even if you don’t wear makeup, it is important to get rid of the day’s pollution, bacteria and other nasties built up during the day. If you had makeup on during the day, it’s important to double cleanse. Double cleansing is important because it prevents your pores from clogging throughout the night – and this is undesirable because it can lead to problems such as acne formation and premature aging. For double cleansing, we recommend using our Ultra Gentle Cleansing Water first, then using our Amino Acid Gentle Bubble Cleanser.

If you did not have any makeup on during the day, consider washing your face with the Foaming Cleanser & Bubble O2 Mask to not only cleanse the face but also moisturize it for the night.

Afterward, we recommend using a toner of your choice to balance out the pH levels of your skin. Often after cleansing, your skin’s pH levels are wonky because cleansers tend to be acidic to wash off all the gunk away. You may use a sheet mask as needed.

Then, it’s important to encase and ensure your skin can take in all the moisture and goodness you’ve applied on your skin! Use a moisturizer to seal everything in. We recommend our Resveratrol 345NA Intensive Repair Cream. It not only moisturizes but also helps reduce inflammation, fine lines, and regulates oils in your skin. It's also very lightweight -- perfect for the summer season. And the best of all, it contains lavender. Lavender oil is sometimes used to reduce anxiety and to bring calmness to people, which is why some people absolutely adore it!

Fun fact: Did you know that resveratrol comes from grapes? It’s an antioxidant that helps reduce signs of aging and calms the skin! But guess what? Wine also comes from grapes but we don’t recommend alcohol intake because it can disrupt your sleep. So skip the weeknight wine and apply it on your skin instead!

After taking care of your skin, it’s probably time for you to keep to yourself. It’s great that you have some time to unwind, but be mindful to not be on your phone for at least 30 minutes before going to bed. The light that emits from smartphones, TVs, and other electronics is notorious to disrupt sleep, as it inhibits melatonin production, a sleep hormone.

Other alternatives are to read a book, write a journal entry, work on the puzzle you’ve been procrastinating on or meditate! The list is endless, but these are a few things that can get you either pumped for the following day or put you in a restful mind for you to easily doze off.

We understand that having a routine can be tedious to keep up with, but it is so important to have a clear routine. We recommend having phone alarms or reminders for you to get into a routine, or even start a night routine with a friend so you can keep each other accountable. Get a head start into having a detailed routine by doing a 1-month challenge, just like the fitness 1-month challenges many people have been following during quarantine. We hope you have a restful night and continue on with a hopeful day!

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